Week 5 stands for Mark 1 Presentation… On Monday I presented to Chris, Graham and Ryan my progress until Week 4 (read more here). This is the feedback I received: – Chris: think more about the materials of the lamps I want to design. Create more detailed...

  Four weeks into the second semester, I’ve now started prototyping the lamps controller. I have opted for getting some models printed with the 3D printers machines in the Maker Space in DJCAD. This is what I’m planning to bring to the Mark 1...

This week I spent more time on redefining the concept idea for my project. I decided, after creating some prototypes in Week 2 (you can read more about that here), that I should be more ambitious if I want to graduate with the best product I’ve ever designed....

Wednesday 8th of February was an awesome day! I was lucky enough to see Tim Cook live for the second time in a year. This time he visited Glasgow University where he received an honorary degree followed by a Q&A with students. Tim is my biggest inspiration in...

During the second week, the last of January, I focused on refining the design of the base and try to make two prototypes in the workshop. This is not the definitive version, but I will take it as one of the designs I could potentially use for the final product. I have...
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