Week 5 stands for Mark 1 Presentation… On Monday I presented to Chris, Graham and Ryan my progress until Week 4 (read more here). This is the feedback I received:

– Chris: think more about the materials of the lamps I want to design. Create more detailed drawings…
– Graham: take into consideration how I want to design the button/s on the controller. This lighting system should be universal and be able to be used by everyone, as it’s designed for hotel rooms and therefore people from any country/language need to understand how it works.
– Ryan: try to figure out the exact dimensions of the controller and the lights. He thought it would be nice if there was a connection between the sizes of the 3 lamps. For example: small, medium and large.

As well as showing the 3D prototype I created, I talked through the timescale for my project. By the time I need to present the Mark 2 prototype I want to be able to demonstrate my controller working. Then between Mark 2 and the final prototype presentation, I want to focus on finalising the design and curate the details of my product.

This week I also spent some time designing the website for my class Social Digital 17: sd17.co.uk

I tried to keep the design very minimal focusing the homepage on the students’ profiles which include a bio and a project info. You can even filter the class by course: Product Design or Digital Interaction Design.

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