This week went to so fast! I was in London two days, for a special event..! You can read more about it here.

Apart for that, I continued to work on my project. I previously said I wanted to start working with aluminium in Week 7, but actually, I had to postpone that as I wasn’t very happy with the size of the button. It just looked so big and chunky. The prototype I made last week had a diameter of 7cm. The new version I made this week is only 5cm. Because of that, I had to spend quite some time redesigning all the three components on the computer and then get them printed in 3D. Feeling much more satisfied now with the dimensions of the button and ready to start making the prototype in aluminium. I spent Friday afternoon in the main workshop trying to familiarise with the milling machine.

I’m a big fan of minimalist designed products, therefore I always try to keep my ideas as simple as possible, however making sure that they work properly and also have some nice little details in it. One of the things I thought about this week was the implementation of LED into the button. The way it works is very simple: when you leave the button on the charging dock, it will emit a little light that will notify it’s charging. Details make the difference.

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